Iowa City ASC offers a pain management program to patients suffering acute and chronic pain. The Pain Management program at Iowa City ASC is provided by Frederick Dery, M.D. board-certified and specialty-trained to help patients manage their pain.
A referral from your physician is required and a patient consultation will be needed to determine the best course of treatment for your pain. A variety of pain management treatments are available including:
Epidural Steroid Injections are safe and effective procedures done under fluoroscopic/x-ray guidance to treat spinal and radiating pain coming from degenerated disks, herniated disks, and spinal stenosis. A potent steroid is injected into the spinal canal and should help to decrease inflammation and pain within two weeks.
Radiofrequency Ablations (RFA) is a safe and effective procedure done under fluoroscopic/x-ray guidance to treat pain from inflamed/arthritic spinal facet joints. To ensure a high chance of pain relief from the RFA, we first perform two diagnostic medical branch blocks in an attempt to pinpoint the painful joints.
The Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) System is an MRI compatible device used to treat low bank pain and arm/leg pain from a variety of painful conditions. The trial is done to determine if there’s enough pain relief to warrant permanent implant of the device. This is the same technology used in pacemakers, but is applied directly to the spinal cord to scramble the pain signals and replace them with a different, more pleasant sensation.
To schedule your initial consultation, call 319-338-3606. Iowa City ASC works in partnership with Steindler Orthopedics Pain Management Center.
Our team at Iowa City ASC compiled some helpful stats and figures that highlight the cost savings between hospitals and ASCs. If you are curious about the cost difference between hospitals and ASCs, download our resource and find out how you can save money on your healthcare!