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5 Ways You Can Mentally Prepare Yourself For Surgery

Posted by iowacityasc on Mar 12, 2018 2:49:13 PM

Although it’s necessary in many cases, the process of undergoing surgery can be a frightening thought. Everyone’s reaction will be different when they find out they need a surgical procedure, but thankfully the ways in which you can mentally prepare for surgery work for nearly all individuals.

The team at Iowa City ASC knows that surgery can bring up a lot of unanswered questions, and by far the most essential element to consider is how you are feeling mentally and emotionally during the days leading up to the procedure. Here are 5 ways you can get yourself ready for surgery.

 1. Make sure to clearly communicate with your doctor

Any questions you have about your upcoming procedure should be thoroughly answered to your satisfaction, as there’s nothing more stressful than going into an unknown situation. Patients who have a doctor they can trust will be more calm and comfortable on the day of their procedure.

 2. Get your documents in order

Not only is it crucial to make sure your insurance information and payment expectations are in line, but if you don’t have an advance directive in place, now might be an appropriate time to draft one. While surgeries at Iowa City ASC have an incredibly high success rate, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared with proper legal documents.

 3. Think about your recovery time

Your recuperation at home is just as important as your surgery itself, so it makes sense to have a plan in place before your procedure. Knowing that your kids will be taken care of and that your house is stocked with groceries can reduce the number of tasks on your list and put you in a place of greater mental ease.

 4. Take care of your body the best you can

Even minor types of surgery can take a toll on your body, so pay extra attention to the things you can do ahead of time to help prepare yourself. Spend each morning in quiet meditation and incorporate healthier foods into your diet. If you smoke, now’s the time to quit! Minor changes can add up when it comes to your body’s ability to heal.

 5. Ask for help as needed

Many patients feel that they must put on a brave face when undergoing surgery and don’t want to feel like an inconvenience to others. However, one of the best ways to mentally prepare yourself for a surgical procedure is to have the reassurance of friends and family at your side. Whether you need a familiar face smiling at you before your procedure or you simply want some company at home while you recover, extra support is always helpful.

At Iowa City ASC, our goal is for every patient to have a stress-free experience before, during, and after their surgery. By following these 5 tips you’ll be able to feel confident and prepared no matter what your procedure is for. Give yourself every advantage you can when it comes to a successful surgery! 

Topics: General Surgery, Why Choose an ASC

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