Posted by iowacityasc on Oct 12, 2021 7:00:57 PM
It’s easy to underestimate the importance of sleep. Maybe that’s because nearly 70% of Americans report that they aren’t getting the sleep they need anyway. For many, this means night after night of tossing and turning. Others might simply wake up feeling groggy and exhausted.
Sleep deficits and disruptions such as these can lead to significant health problems over the long term. So if you’re having sleep trouble, it’s a good idea to find out why!
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on May 12, 2020 5:05:22 PM
Sleep apnea is a problem that can be hugely disruptive to your quality of life, leading to chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, or depression.
The leading therapy for sleep apnea involves using a CPAP mask that keeps airways from closing during sleep. Maybe, though, you have been using a CPAP mask for a long time and it’s just not enough.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on Aug 30, 2019 9:27:31 AM
If you suffer from sleep apnea, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night of sleep. Those who struggle with sleep apnea often stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night, hundreds of times even, in some cases. While this makes it incredibly uncomfortable for sleeping, it also starves your body and brain of oxygen. When this happens, you don’t receive the necessary amount of oxygen, making sleep apnea a serious condition.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on Jul 24, 2019 6:25:45 PM
If you live with obstructive sleep apnea, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night of sleep. And if you use a CPAP device, you know how much more difficult it is to feel comfortable and sleep through the night.
You want to lose the mask, but that will only make your obstructive sleep apnea worse. Maybe there are some alternatives, though.
When it comes to obstructive sleep apnea, there’s no magic pill that will make the disorder go away, but there are some options to consider.
If you’re looking for ways to get rid of your CPAP device, there are some easy strategies and alternatives you can try.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on Jun 29, 2017 3:24:26 PM
If you have obstructive sleep apnea and use a CPAP device while sleeping, you might find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the entire night. It does take some time to adapt to using a CPAP device because of the sound, the feel of the mask on your face and of course the air pushing on your face. But it’s important to continue using your CPAP as prescribed to keep your sleep apnea under control and speak with your physician about any concerns you have about using it.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on May 19, 2017 2:09:16 PM
People often joke about snoring, but if your snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, it’s nothing to joke about. This serious condition causes you to stop breathing anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes while you are sleeping because soft tissues in your mouth and throat relax and block your airway. When this happens, your body and especially your brain is being deprived of the oxygen it needs to function correctly. Inspire therapy can help reduce your obstructive sleep apnea.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on May 19, 2017 11:47:29 AM
Many people rely on CPAP devices to control their breathing difficulties from obstructive sleep apnea. And unfortunately, many find that they are continually struggling with their CPAP device. If your CPAP makes you uncomfortable, you might find it difficult to sleep at night, which goes against what the CPAP is supposed to be accomplishing for you.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on May 03, 2017 4:48:03 PM
Those who suffer from sleep apnea will often stop breathing repeatedly while sleeping, in some cases, hundreds of times. Each time breathing is stopped, the body, including the brain, does not receive the amount of oxygen that would normally occur. Because this condition deprives the body of oxygen, sleep apnea is considered a serious disorder. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This type of sleep apnea is a result of the airway becoming blocked because the soft tissue found at the back of the throat collapses while sleeping.
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on May 24, 2016 10:04:13 AM
First Iowa procedure done in February in Iowa City
IOWA CITY — Larry Mahnke surrendered his driver’s license two years ago after sleep apnea made him so drowsy he couldn’t drive safely.
The 63-year-old Manning man was driving home late one night when he was pulled over by a police officer.
“He said, ‘I got a report that you’ve been driving around town drunk’,” Mahnke recalls. “I don’t even drink.”
Topics: Sleep Apnea
Posted by iowacityasc on Apr 26, 2016 3:00:53 AM
Inspire therapy is a new, clinically proven treatment option, approved by the FDA, for people with Obstructive Sleeve Apnea (OSA). Inspire Therapy is specifically designed for people with moderate to severe OSA who are unable to use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
Iowa City Ambulatory Surgical Center is the first center in Iowa to offer Inspire therapy. Inspire therapy is a new, clinically proven treatment option, approved by the FDA, for people with Obstructive Sleeve Apnea (OSA). Inspire Therapy is specifically designed for people with moderate to severe OSA who are unable to use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
Topics: Sleep Apnea